Dentalcare Package
The well-crafted solution for every generation
A comprehensive Dental Care Program
Your Loving Smile
A solid shining set of teeth would undeniably contributes to generate success in many aspects of life, varied from work to different types of relationships. This is a fact acknowledged by experts and accomplished people worldwide.

Witnessing your beloved kids growing healthily; Possessing absolute confidence in casual and business meetings, as well as Rewarding your senior family members with a carefree smile, are the sufficiently satisfying experience that our customers would enjoy. This is a program designed and implemented from the heart of the leading experts in the country’s Dental Industry.

The well-crafted solution for every generation

Our packages have been customized to perfectly fit with the teeth conditions at different age groups. The package features have been thoroughly examined by experts within the industry.

The Angelic Smile

Age Range: 2-6

The Schoolers' Smile

Age range: 7-12

The Teenagers' Smile

Age range: 13-18

Entrance to the Adulthood

Age range: 19-24

The Shining Success Smile

Age range: 25-59

The Care-free Smile

Age range: 60 - 80
AGE: 2-6

The Angelic Smile

Most children are not fully aware of issues happening to their teeth, which leads to late intervention from the parents. This would result in mass decay, gingivitis, jaw infection, blood infection, and sometimes the least desirable consequences: fatality, not to mention troubles in their adulthood due to the existing insufficient teeth condition. Equipping this package means transferring the responsibility of taking care of your children’s teeth, to the shoulders of our certified experts. Enjoy the absolute peace of mind as well as the more flexible time pool for your daily tasks!
25.000.000 VND / 5 ( 5.000.000 VND per year in average)

Our dentists are ones with profound expertise and reputation within the industry. Every minor change, from the teeth to the growing direction of the jaw, would be recorded in details in our Electronic Archive. Hence, preventive measures would take place timely and help our customer avoid a bunch of expenses in the future.
Terms and conditions ​
Customers would have a FREE general dental check with of dentists and would be eligible for our program if they qualify these following conditions: Maximum existing number of decayed teeth: 5 Maximum existing root canal: 2 Maximum existing teeth maleruption: 3 Existing retrusion/ overbite: None Other existing facial/ body diseases that would potentially affect dental health: None
Some existing diseases/ issues would be excluded from the service range: Broken teeth
AGE: 7-12

The Schoolers' Smile

Children at this age range are not much different from the younger group in terms of awareness of their teeth development. However, this is the period in which the jaw and the teeth of a person takes the most changes. Most people with retrusion/ overbite have their symptoms appear during this period and it happened under their consciousness, until everything has been settled in their adulthood, at which intervention would be costly. Simply get rid of the the possibility for future dental issues by transferring the tasks to our experts with an unbeatable rate.
35.000.000 VND / 5 ( 7.000.000 VND per year in average)

Our dentists are ones with profound expertise and reputation within the industry. Every minor change, from the teeth to the growing direction of the jaw, would be recorded in details in our Electronic Archive. Hence, preventive measures would take place timely and help our customer avoid a bunch of expenses in the future.
Terms and conditions ​
Customers would have a FREE general dental check with of dentists and would be eligible for our program if they qualify these following conditions: Maximum existing number of decayed teeth: 5 Maximum existing root canal: 2 Maximum existing teeth maleruption: 3 Existing retrusion/ overbite: None Other existing facial/ body diseases that would potentially affect dental health: None
Some existing diseases/ issues would be excluded from the service range: Broken teeth
AGE: 13-18

The Teenagers' Smile

The puberty period is when your kids are the most active (or the naughtiest, for the boys). Not to mention that most hormone changes will take place during this age range. For many people, wisdom teeth will appear, also the start of halitosis due to hormone changes. Not to mention the higher risk for damages to the teeth as a result of the greatly increased outdoor activities, especially for the boys.
35.000.000 VND / 5 ( 7.000.000 VND per year in average)

Our dentists are ones with profound expertise and reputation within the industry. Every minor change, from the teeth to the growing direction of the jaw, would be recorded in details in our Electronic Archive. Hence, preventive measures would take place timely and help our customer avoid a bunch of expenses in the future.
Terms and conditions ​
Customers would have a FREE general dental check with of dentists and would be eligible for our program if they qualify these following conditions: Maximum existing number of decayed teeth: 5 Maximum existing root canal: 2 Maximum existing teeth maleruption: 3 Existing retrusion/ overbite: None Other existing facial/ body diseases that would potentially affect dental health: None
Some existing diseases/ issues would be excluded from the service range: Broken teeth
AGE: 19-24

Entrance to the Adulthood

At this stage, people’s needs for dental care services would not be much different compared to the younger 13-18 group. However there would be an increased need for basic aesthetic treatment to enhance self-confidence in either casual or occupational interactions.
35.000.000 VND / 5 ( 7.000.000 VND per year in average)

Absolute confidence with strong, white and shining teeth would be your advantage in many aspects of life. Coming to us means transferring the responsibility of taking care of your dental health to our meticulously selected experts. Now you can enjoy sole focus on your study, career and other life objectives.
Terms and conditions ​
Customers would have a FREE general dental check with of dentists and would be eligible for our program if they qualify these following conditions: Maximum existing number of decayed teeth: 5 Maximum existing root canal: 2 Maximum existing teeth maleruption: 3 Existing retrusion/ overbite: None Other existing facial/ body diseases that would potentially affect dental health: None
Some existing diseases/ issues would be excluded from the service range: Broken teeth
AGE: 25-59

The Shining Success Smile

As the name states, people belonging to this age range would normally have to invest a sufficient amount of time and efforts for their careers/ businesses. This package not only prevents dental issues from disturbing you and your important life goals, but also enhances your appearance in front of the crowds and efficiency in every individual contact.
50.000.000 VND / 5 ( 10.000.000 VND per year in average)

Absolute confidence with strong, white and shining teeth would be your advantage in many aspects of life. Coming to us means transferring the responsibility of taking care of your dental health to our meticulously selected experts. Now you can enjoy sole focus on your study, career and other life objectives.
Terms and conditions ​
Customers would have a FREE general dental check with of dentists and would be eligible for our program if they qualify these following conditions: Maximum existing number of decayed teeth: 5 Maximum existing root canal: 2 Maximum existing teeth maleruption: 3 Existing retrusion/ overbite: None Other existing facial/ body diseases that would potentially affect dental health: None
Some existing diseases/ issues would be excluded from the service range: Broken teeth
AGE: 60-80

The Care-free Smile

The perfect customized for the seniors in your family. What could be a greater pleasure than maintaining a strong white set of teeth in the late period of a human’s life. Free your parents/ grandparents from the stressful fear of upcoming dental issues and transfer the responsibility of their dental health to us by selecting this package.
50.000.000 VND / 5 ( 10.000.000 VND per year in average)

Your seniors would be freed from the worry of potential issues with their teeth in the upcoming years thanks to your meaning gifts. Also, you would save for yourself a great deal of money in taking care of your loved ones thanks to our efficient packages.
Terms and conditions ​
Customers would have a FREE general dental check with of dentists and would be eligible for our program if they qualify these following conditions: Maximum existing number of decayed teeth: 5 Maximum existing root canal: 2 Maximum existing teeth maleruption: 3 Existing retrusion/ overbite: None Other existing facial/ body diseases that would potentially affect dental health: None
Some existing diseases/ issues would be excluded from the service range: Broken teeth

Guaranteed benefits?

We are fully aware of your concerns before getting involved with a long-term healthcare program. Here is a list of guaranteed benefits that would help assure your absolute peace of mind


Our member clinics have to undergo a strict evaluation process regarding their facilities, dentists’ expertise and certificates as well as their reputation within the industry. This process was carried out by our Board of Experts, formed by leading dentists from different institutions.

Each of our customer would possess his/ her own electronic account through which they can get access to their virtual healthcare records from anywhere, at anytime, with absolute security and confidentiality. 


In case of distant emergent incidents that results in significant dental damage (for instance, a customer residing in HCMC has an accident while traveling in Hanoi), our customers can request aid via our Hotline to arrange an appointment with a local clinic as soon as possible. The services provided would be according to the package’s descriptions.

For other services that are not included in our packages, customers (who have already purchased our dental care packages) would be eligible for 10-15% discounts.


Our partnered financial service providers will consult you with installment plan with 0% interest


You would have a total of 60 days as ‘Consideration Period’ after successful purchase of the packages. Within this period, you have the rights to cancel the package and receive the refunds as follows:

Receivable = Package Value – Total Accumulated Cost of Services used within 60 days


You can request to change your frequent clinic in either one of these following cases:

  • Home moving
  • Your frequent clinic does not satisfy our suggested standards of professional services quality
  • Achieve your bright smile with Vietnam Dental Tourism
    Start by having a free in-depth and predictive consultation with our top dental specialists here!
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    (+84) 934 274
    10th Floor - Pax Sky Tower, 51 Nguyen Cu Trinh, District 1, HCMC - Vietnam
    1201 International Parkway Ste 123 Richardson, TX 75081
    0313 870 675
    Dental Tourism is a one-stop portal for Dental Care in Vietnam under the auspices of the Vietnamese government. The website gives not only dentists, clinics, tourists, customers, but the general public resources on professional dental services combined with exceptional traveling tips that can make your smile brighter throughout your vacation.
    © 2020 Vietnam Tourism Dentistry JSC., All rights reserved